Thousands of young people, who sing enthusiastically and dance as they worship God. Dozens of teenagers, who follow the altar call and entrust their lives to Jesus. A concert hall full of youngsters, who are not glued to their cell phones but instead pray and expect Jesus to touch their lives mightily. This is what it was like at the Holy Spirit Night.
After a tour through various German cities the grand finale took place from October 4-5 in the Porschearena in Stuttgart. For several years, our youth has been attendings these conferences. It is fantastic how our teenagers have encountered God there. Some have made the decision to follow Jesus. Some have been freed from depression. Some have spoken in tongues for the first time. Some have received guidance through prophetic words.
At the beginning of October, 20 of our young people were determined to not miss out on another such opportunity and made their way to Stuttgart. Not only the fellowship with God was brilliant but also amongst each other. As the pastor of a rather small church, I am thankful for these big events that we cannot organize ourselves.
My prayer for our youth in Germany is twofold. First, I pray that these happenings lead to renewed dedication, which leads to hands-on involvement in local church life. Second, as an academic at the Theological Missiological Academy, I pray that our young people will catch God’s vision to become pastors and missionaries, who can be trained through the world-wide NCIU network.
Philipp Heinrich